The natural audience data in any businesses is an important pre execution work to gain higher success and synergy of any digital media campaign.
Having a firm and clear natural audience identification would help you match your service/product values you want to promote on social media, using the various platform and its target group.
Essentially, you would then be able to align imported data and behaviours of imported data sources and streamline a sales funnel, optimized to give you results in the simplest straight forward way. A systematic approach may be used for new natural audience identification for new businesses and likewise existing businesses.
從本質上講,您將能夠對齊導入的數據和導入數據源的行為,並簡化銷售漏鬥,優化以最簡單的直接方式為您提供結果。 系統化的方法可用於新業務和現有企業的新自然客戶群識別。